HydroalpSOCIETÀ GASDOTTI ITALIA AND HYDROALP TOGETHER FOR RENEWABLE SYNTHETIC METHANE PRODUCTIONPRESS RELEASE Società Gasdotti Italia and Hydroalp together for renewable synthetic methane production Roma (Italy), February 12, 2025 – Società…
PolytecPOLYTEC AND CARCANO ANTONIO: THE LONG-TERM PARTNERSHIP CONTINUES WITH TWO NEW STRATEGIC PROJECTSPolytec is pleased to announce the acquisition of two important automation projects for Carcano Antonio’s production plant in Delebio, Italy.…
NyoxNYOX AT KEY 2025Nyox will be among the exhibitors at KEY 2025, the benchmark event in Southern Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean dedicated…
NyoxNYOX ACHIEVES MORE THAN 300 MWP OF INDUSTRIAL PHOTOVOLTAICBorgo Chiese (TN), Italy. With great satisfaction, Nyox achieves a symbolic goal: more than 300 MWp of industrial rooftop and…
HydroalpHYDROALP FOR INDUSTRIA ITALIANAIn the energy transition scenario, Hydroalp is an innovative player, with an offer aimed at supporting the decarbonisation of industry.…
BM GroupADVANCED AUTOMATION IN THE MARINE INDUSTRYPolytec is charting a new course in marine technology with its latest achievement, a major contract to design, supply, and…
PolytecSTRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN POLYTEC NORTH AMERICA AND GMB HEAVY INDUSTRIESPolytec North America is proud to announce a strategic partnership with GMB, an American company renowned for its expertise in…
Polytec IntralogisticsPOLYTEC INTRALOGISTICS AT INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA 2025Polytec Intralogistics will be among the exhibitors at INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA, from May 27 to 30, 2025, at Milano Rho, the…
HydroalpHYDROALP WILL DEVELOP A KAPLAN TURBINE FOR ITALGENItalgen entrusts Hydroalp with the construction of a new hydropower plant in Lombardy, Italy. The project involves the installation of…
HydroalpHYDROALP AT HYDROGEN EXPO 2025 – 4TH EDITIONLocation: Piacenza, Italy | When: 21 – 23 May 2025 Hydroalp will be among the exhibitors at the upcoming Hydrogen…
HydroalpHYDROALP BUILDS HYDROPOWER PLANT ON RIO BEDÙThe hydropower plant on the Rio Bedù in the municipality of Pelugo in the province of Trento, Italy, a project…
Polytec MechatronicsPOLYTEC ENTERS THE FOUNDRY MARKET WITH TAILOR-MADE ROBOTIC SYSTEMS TO ENHANCE SAFETY AND EFFICIENCYThe global leader in robotics for the steel industry now brings cutting-edge solutions to foundries, introducing a new sampling robot…
HydroalpRETURN OF THE HYDROPOWER TURBINE IN THE HEART OF BOLOGNAThursday, October 24 saw the repositioning of the Cavaticcio power plant’s turbine after its refurbishment promoted by Canali di Bologna. …
Polytec IntralogisticsPOLYTEC INTRALOGISTICS CONTRIBUTES TO THE 5.0 TRANSITION OF THE INDUSTRYA concrete example of how Polytec has contributed to the creation of a 5.0 company, from the photovoltaic system to…
Polytec MechatronicsTHE PROJECT DEVELOPED FOR POLYTEC WINS THE CHALLENGE OF THE NINTH EDITION OF IPSPIPSP – Industrial Problem Solving with Physics | This year, Polytec was selected as a participating company.
HydroalpH2ALP-120 FOR THE CERAMIC INDUSTRYH2ALP-120, Hydroalp’s solution for green hydrogen production, has been chosen to start the testing phase of Iris Ceramica Group’s H2…
PolytecPOLYTEC RENEWS ITS CONTRACT FOR THE 2024/2025 & 2025/2026 SEASON AND IS RECONFIRMED AS FAN SPONSOR OF ATALANTA BERGAMASCA CALCIOPolytec and Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio: two entities united by passion, determination, commitment, and a strong desire to win!
Polytec MechatronicsOMAR BAZZOLI, SALES DIRECTOR OF POLYTEC, INTERVIEWED BY INDUSTRIA ITALIANANews for 2024, AMRs and AGVs for the steel industry by Polytec Intralogistics, PolyTEST and Oxygen Thermal Lance… Omar Bazzoli…
Polytec MechatronicsPERONDA GROUP CHOOSES POLYTEC’S BOX PICKING SYSTEMWith the aim of streamlining warehouse management and improving working conditions for its operators, Peronda Group has chosen the box…
HydroalpHYDROALP HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING ON A FRANCIS RUNNERHydroalp has successfully completed non-destructive testing on a Francis runner destined for a hydropower plant in the province of Frosinone,…
BM GroupMIRKO BOTTINI, PRESIDENT AT BM GROUP HOLDING, INTERVIEWED BY INDUSTRIA ITALIANA MAGAZINEMirko Bottini talks about the new projects – automation, robotics, green energy.
HydroalpHYDROALP SUPPORTS THE REDEVELOPMENT OF TUSCAN WEIRS: CLEAN ENERGY FROM THE ARNO RIVERHydroalp is playing a key role in the development of 12 new hydroelectric power plants with a total of 18…
Polytec MechatronicsPOLYTEC FOR “WORLDSTEEL DAY FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH” 2024At Polytec, safety has always been at the core of our work, guiding our journey to create safer workplaces in…
HydroalpHYDROALP RENEWS ITS QUALITY, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATIONSHydroalp has obtained the renewal of its certifications relating to the Quality, Environmental, and Workplace Health and Safety Management Systems,…
HydroalpHYDROALP FOR ITALGEN: REVAMPING OF DEZZO HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTHydroalp has signed an important contract with Italgen for the revamping of the Dezzo hydroelectric power plant.
HydroalpHYDROALP FOR HYDROSTADIUM: REALISATION OF A NEW HYDROPOWER PLANTHydroalp grows in the French market and obtains a new project for Hydrostadium.
Polytec IntralogisticsTHE AMR VOYAGER BY POLYTEC INTRALOGISTICS AT THE BLM GROUP OPEN HOUSEAs part of the Open House organised by BLM GROUP at its Levico (TN, Italy) headquarters this past September, we…
Polytec IntralogisticsFUTURO24 TALKS ABOUT POLYTEC INTRALOGISTICSThe recent episode of Futuro24 on RaiNews24 talked about robotics developed by the University of Trento in various research areas.…
Polytec MechatronicsPOLYTEC’S AUTOMATION FOR MOSE (VENICE)Polytec supplies new automation system for Malamocco inlet.
Polytec IntralogisticsFORMEST CLOTHES POLYTEC INTRALOGISTICS’ AGVSMobile robots are smart devices that move completely autonomously within limited spaces and perform numerous tasks, including handling goods and…
BM Group30 YEARS OF BM GROUP2023 marks an important milestone: 30 years of BM Group history! We celebrated this important milestone together with those who…
Polytec MechatronicsPOLYTEC AND AFV BELTRAME GROUP: A SUCCESS STORYCutting-edge automation projects and future-oriented investment plans.
BM GroupINTRODUCING POLYTEC MEXICOWe take great pleasure in announcing the opening of our new company Polytec MEXICO. This new venture has been made…